Friday, February 24, 2017

FIFDH Humanitarian Film Festival and Forum- Geneva March 11th at 14:30- Maison des Arts du Grütli.

Yazidi refugees near Dohuk in the Kurdistan/ Iraq region near Sinjar. June 2016.
Come and join us at the FIFDH Humanitarian Film Festival and Forum- Geneva. I will, with Vicken Cheterian present some of the stories we worked on in Iraq last June. 

Images will be exhibited in the bar area downstairs throughout the Festival!

#photography #documentary #photojournalism #reportage #webster #iraq #keystone
#halabja #sinjar #refugee #chemical #genocide #fifdh2017 #grutli

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Rwanda- soon back again.

A souvenir- research in progress.
The people living up on the hills in Bisesero, Rwanda, are preparing for the evening part of the commemoratin taking place on April 7th. 2014- 20 years after the Genocide against the Tutsi.
#genocide #neveragain #photography #documentary #photojournalism #reportage #webster #nikonpro  #keystone #reverienrurangwa #rwanda